Mountain Coast Vineyard exists to equip ordinary people to transform their world in extraordinary ways through Jesus Christ. The heart behind everything we do is to empower you to grow your life in Christ. We want to challenge you to develop your relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and to cultivate the person Jesus created you to be. We also want to challenge you to bring the Good News, in word and deed, into our broken world. In short, we want you to help merge your story with God’s redeeming work in the world around you.

Dan Motz is the lead Pastor of Mountain Coast Vineyard in Anchorage, Alaska. Besides being the Family Pastor, Diana teaches elementary math and high school chemistry for a local homeschool network. They have two girls who are in 7th (Lexi) and 9th (Bailey) grade. When they happen to find free time, Dan can be found catching wild Alaska salmon or snowboarding the Chugach Mountains. Diana likes to get lost in a good book.