You have value because you were created by God. At Mountain Coast Vineyard, we’re here to walk with you through whatever chapter of life you’re in. We love celebrating with you when things are going great, and want to support and encourage you when life gets tough. Because, no matter what you’re going through, you don’t have to go through it alone.
Our Sunday service lasts about one hour and a half. Our services include praise and worship, a short SpotLight Kids time, an engaging Bible-based message and a time of corporate ministry. You will find people from all walks of life and backgrounds. You’re invited to simply come as you are.
We have exciting programs for our Vineyard Kids (birth-grade 6) where they will experience God in an age appropriate environment. Our Vineyard Kids classrooms are broken down into four categories/rooms: Nursery (birth-23 months), Toddler Room/Preschool (2-5 years), Lower Elementary (K-2nd grade) and Upper Elementary (3rd-6th grade). Both Nursery and Toddlers can go immediately to their classrooms. Elementary kids begin the service with the adults, and after a short SpotLight kids time they follow their teachers up to their classroom.
We believe God has a purpose for your life, and we can’t wait to see what he has in store for you.