The Thrive Series
"Grow Your Life"

The Thrive Series: “Grow Your Life”

Thrive is a series of four classes to help you grow your life in Christ, and to get planted into the Mountain Coast Vineyard. Each class is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Jesus, to equip you to transform your world and to bring others along on this journey. Come, discover who God created you to be and grow your life in Christ.

Class 1: Planted

The first class in the series teaches what it means to be planted in Christ, what it means to be a part of His church, and what it looks like to be a part of Mountain Coast Vineyard. We begin by looking at the foundations of the Christian faith; salvation, baptism and communion. We will share our vision, our core values and statement of faith. We will look at what makes the Vineyard distinctive from other churches, and how to be a vital member of Mountain Coast Vineyard.

Our next class is coming soon.




Class 2: Rooted

The second class in the series dives into the heart of the spiritual disciplines. Join us as we examine how we can grow our relationship with God through the practices of prayer, scripture reading, silence, Sabbath, tithing and fellowship.

Our next class is coming soon, stay tuned.

Class 3: Growing

In this third class of the series we begin to hone in on who God created you to be. We look into several components of who you are including your spiritual gifts, heart/passions, abilities, personality and your experience. Upon examining these components, the mosaic of your purpose will become much more clear and you can intentionally focus on growing the “true self” God created you to be.

Next class is February 25th, 1-5pm in room 210 at the church

Click here to sign up


Class 4: Blooming

If the first three classes focus on developing your “true self”, the fourth class culminates with focusing on the other/lost. In this class you will hone in on understanding your story and how to relate to those who don’t yet know Jesus. Part of this class will be getting outside the walls of the church and blessing the community by doing what we call a Kindness Outreach.